Elders must not only meet the qualifications in the New Testament, but also have the fortitude to contend for the faith.
Elders must not only meet the qualifications in the New Testament, but also have the fortitude to contend for the faith.
Precept Upon Precept – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWMJ7eHqllzMlvj2rtk-0jg
The Scripture Cache – https://thescripturecache.com/
Gary Summers, Spiritual Perspectives – https://spiritualperspectives.org/
The Gospel Banner – https://thegospelbanner.blogspot.com/?m=1
Yukon, Oklahoma church of Christ – https://yukoncofc.org/
Northpoint church of Christ, Denton, Texas – https://northpointcoc.com/
Berea church of Christ, Rives, Tenn. – https://bereacoc.org/
South Seminole church of Christ, Winter Park, FL – https://cocwp.org/