Michael Demory
Pentecostalism has so pervaded society that religion has become subjective rather than the objective view God intended. Spirituality and religion in general are more about one’s feelings, than it is about the truth and how or when the truth should be ascertained. Most people believe it is their ‘pastor’ or ‘priest’ that is the authority when it comes to religion and its doctrine. Forgot about God and His inspired Word (revelation) to man. Paul enjoined in Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father, through Him” (NKJV). In other words, in everything we believe, teach, or practice we are to have the Lord’s authority (approval) for it. In the name of = by the authority of (Acts 4:7). All Christians are obligated (required, duty-bound) to “walk by faith” (2 Cor. 5:7). In Romans 10:17 we find that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Therefore, since God said we acquire our faith by hearing the Word of God, then common sense informs us that if there is no Word from God on any given subject, then there can be no faith, and when there is no faith, there is no pleasing God (Heb. 11:6).
This matter is so important, that individuals are jeopardizing their souls by being members of religious groups that care not about God’s authority. Groups that have not taught their members about having Bible authority for what they believe, teach and practice. Our purpose in all our articles to bring to light subjects most of you dear readers have never heard or been taught. God has always required His authority in religious matters and daily living. You’ve heard the story of Nadab and Abihu in Bible classes, how they died for offering strange fire on the altar (Lev. 10:1-2). Why did God consume them with fire? Because they offered “strange fire,” fire not authorized by God.
Our faith comes from hearing the Word of God which rests upon sufficient, conclusive, and compelling evidence that the Bible is exactly what it claims to be—the inspired, infallible, inerrant, and all-sufficient Word of the living God. Our faith is not a blind faith, but rests solidly upon conclusive and compelling evidence (Heb. 11:1). Faith does not mean absence of evidence. Therefore, there can be no faith if evidence does not exist. Yes, Thomas refused to believe the Lord had risen, but when Jesus presented him evidence, Thomas believed (John 20:24-25). The evolutionist has faith, and as a Christian I have faith, my faith just happens to be supported by evidence, which the evolutionist does not have.
Since purpose of life on earth is to prepare each of us for eternity, God, through His Word, has provided us with the building blocks that will help us during our training. The New Testament is God’s divine pattern for righteous living. Just as God gave Noah the pattern or blueprint for building the Ark to the saving of his household, and Moses the pattern for building the tabernacle; so, He has also provided us the pattern for the church, Christian worship and living. Sadly, most people cast aside God’s Word in favor of man’s creeds, manuals, statements of faith, catechisms, and methods. They choose to do that which is right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6); rather than by God’s authority, which means without Biblical faith.
Logically speaking, the Scriptures teach that in Christian work and worship we must do only that which is authorized by the Word of God. Therefore, it is possible for human beings to ascertain what is and what is not authorized by the Word of God. There is no authority from God to change, substitute, add, or subtract, from the New Testament Law of Christ. We are not authorized by God to allow what God condemns (alcohol, gambling, homosexuality, adultery, divorce for any reason, etc.) nor are we authorized to condemn what God allows (eating all meat, marrying, working on the sabbath, no foot washing, or women not wearing veils, etc.).
Since God’s inspired Word, the New Testament is provided for all human beings today to follow, anything not found in the New Testament is not authorized. God will not accept the worship of anyone taking part in acts that He has not approved of. Cain’s worship was not accepted by God (Gen. 4:2-5). God did not accept the worship of the Israelites when He said, “try offering that kind of sacrifice to your governor!” (Mal. 1:8). God does not authorize based upon our likes or dislikes, our erroneous conclusions about Scripture, what is popular, or majority rule. He does not authorize by human tradition, long-standing practices, silence of the Scriptures, or what some highly respected individual believes or teaches.
The Bible authorizes by what it says—not by what it doesn’t say! Nowhere does the Bible authorize counting beads, praying to dead saints, or praying to Mary. Nowhere does the Bible authorize praise teams, the use of instrumental music, women preachers, elders, deacons, prayer, and song leaders. Nor does the Bible authorize more than one church to exist. Jesus gave authority for only one church, His church—the church of Christ (Matt. 16:18), and that is the only church that is discussed in the New Testament. All denominational churches today are anywhere from 1500 to 2000 years too late, with founders of their own churches. If we are wrong, then we would appreciate someone showing us where the Bible authorizes more than one church, or anything else we have said in this article.
Instead, individuals will choose to hide behind their anonymity when they disagree. Is your doctrine that weak, that you are unable or unwilling to demonstrate it is superior to what we have been teaching? Our purpose is not to cast aspersions upon any one person, but to expose the errors of the doctrines you have been taught. And if you believe they are not errors, then please, let us reason together (Isa. 1:18).