George W. DeHoff
God’s people have always been influenced by those around them. Instead of depending on God and His Word, they spend too little time in learning a “Thus saith the Lord” and depending on that Word. Instead, they watch what others are doing, and imitate them. Nearly every error of the denominations find sits way into the Lord’s church. Indeed, sometimes when denominationalists have found that something will not work, our brethren are just beginning to take it up!
There are two principal sources of error today—Catholicism and Calvinism. Nearly all the errors which we see in the church today are coming from Calvinism. The seminaries which our “scholars” attend are usually filled with Calvinism and many of the new Bible “translations” are Calvinistic in their “translation.” It is not any wonder that our preachers receive this second-handed Calvinism from their teachers and that when they use and recommend “translations” and books saturated with this doctrine, it will be found everywhere.
There are five fundamental errors of Calvinism. We should know every one of them and how to refute them. (1) Election and Foreordination, (2) Limited Atonement, (3) Hereditary Total Depravity, (4) Direct Operation of the Holy Spirit Separate and Apart from the Written Word, and (5) Final Perseverance of the Saints.
(All of these errors are discussed in the DeHoff-Davis and the Woods-Holder Debate, both of which may be ordered from the Firm Foundation Publishing House.)
Election and Foreordination
God has never been a respecter of persons. In every nation they that fear God and work righteousness are accepted by Him. The Calvinistic notion is that before man was born God decided whether he would be saved or lost. He “elected” some to be saved and some to be lost. If you are among the elect you will be saved but if you are one of the non-elect, you will be lost. This false doctrine negates everything the Bible teaches. John 3:16 teaches that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us. God loves the whole world. Jesus died for all. This gift of salvation depends on our accepting it. “God will judge every man according to his works”—not according to a crooked election conducted before the man was born!
Many of our pioneer preachers called attention to the fact that there are three votes to be cast in this election: God votes for you to be saved, the devil votes for you to be lost and when we get your vote, the decision will be made.
Limited Atonement
Closely connected with the election and foreordination doctrine is the doctrine of limited atonement—that Jesus did not die for all but only for the elect. This is so contrary to the teaching of the New Testament that one is amazed that anyone would take up with this false doctrine.
Hereditary Total Depravity
These words cannot be found in the Bible one in a place, let alone all three together! The idea here is that Adam sinned and that all of his offspring—all mankind—thus inherited sin from Adam. Adam did sin and all have suffered the consequence of his sin, but not the guilt of his sin. Even the Old Testament taught that the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, the father shall not bear the iniquity of the son (Eze. 18:20).
Sin is a transgression of the law. That is not something that we inherit but something that we do. Little children are born into the world pure, holy and innocent. Jesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Mat. 19:14). He certainly did not mean that God’s kingdom is filled with totally depraved individuals. Our Lord told the disciples that to enter the kingdom they must be converted and become as little children—pure, holy, free from sin (Mat. 18:3). Little children who die are not saved—they are safe. “Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on his gentle breast.” When our little ones die, we cannot bring them back but we can go to them. How precious, indeed, is this promise!
Direct Operation of The Holy Ghost
In the Bible, God’s Holy Spirit operated only through His Word. The Holy Spirit guided the apostles into all truth (John 16:13). They wrote that truth for us in the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16). “These things are written, that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God; and that believing you might have life through his name” (John 20:30-31). Faith comes by hearing God’s Word (Rom. 10:17). The preaching of our pioneer preachers knocked the mourners bench out of the denominations. Most of them gave it up. No man today knows any truth in religion unless it is in the written Word of God.
Indeed, everything the Bible says that the Holy Spirit does for us on earth, it also says the Word of God does it for us. This simply proves that God’s Holy Spirit operates through God’s written Word. Saints and sinners depend on this Word for God’s message.
The notion that the Holy Spirit is operating in some manner separate and apart from His Word is Calvinism—it is false doctrine. (The famous Hardeman-Bogard Debate—now out of print—is one that every Christian should be familiar with.)
Final Perseverance of the Saints
The doctrine that one of God’s children cannot be lost regardless of what he does is the most amazing of all false doctrines. More than 2,500 times the book of God warns God’s children about being lost, falling away, being rejected. Do these warnings mean nothing? The first religious debate in the history of the world was between God and the devil in the garden of Eden. God told His children that they must not eat the forbidden fruit; that they would die the very day they did. The devil told them they were God’s children and it would not hurt them no matter what they did. They obeyed the devil. Sin entered the world. Paul said he was afraid the same thing that happened to Adam and Eve would happen to Christians today (2 Cor. 11:3). The notion that Christ bore all our sins and we have nothing to fear is rank nonsense. Christ will not forgive our sins unless we repent of them. Every alien sinner must do what Peter told them in Acts 2:38. All the teaching about God imputing our sins to Christ is meaningless unless alien sinners will repent and be baptized like the Lord said. When members of the church—Christians—sin, they must “Repent and pray” to be forgiven (Acts 8:22). We need not attempt to excuse ourselves by saying, “Christ died for me. He bore my sins. God will not impute sin to me.” He will and does unless you repent and pray like He said.
We need sermons on “Can a Child of God Fall From Grace?” The book of God teaches that they certainly can (Gal. 5:4). Example after example may be given from the Bible. “The wages of sin is death… Turn ye, turn ye, why will ye die?”
These five doctrines of Calvinism are false. They are having great influence in the world today. Members of the church—even our preachers—are being influenced by them. One does not need a degree from college nor a knowledge of “Greek and Latin” to expose them. A simple knowledge of the Bible will do the job.
this whole line of reasoning is GARBAGE.. and full of falsehoods.. God has Never been a respecter of persons.. this is TRUE… but God ultimately decides.. for reasons known Only to Him whom He will “love”.. and whom He will “hate”… example Jacob and Esau… what did Esau ever do to.. separate himself from God’s same love for him that God had for Jacob.. does God need a reason for His choices…?.. id God answerable to Man.?..
John 3:16… Yes God so loved the world.. and Yes the verse states “whosoever”.. but… that “whosoever”.. is within the context.. of “whosoever God chooses”.. to be saved and have eternal life..
Calvinism believes that Jesus died for ALL.. ..but here is the catch… ONLY the elect will realize that Jesus died for THEM…
as for the sin of ADAM… you had better take a closer look at Romans 5:12
“Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:”
what does Death by sin mean to you?..
and why do you Not believe this sin is referring to Adam’s original sin…?
as far as sins of the fathers Bot being passed from generation to generation…. this is in regards to.. every day sins mankind commits.. like the sin of David sleeping with Bathsheba… this sin was not placed on Solomon’s account…
these generational sins.. are Not in reference to Original sin and ITS consequences…
there are too many More errors in your logic to shred apart here… but I would appreciate it if you quit spreading these untruths…
Your comment of December 21 this past year in relation to an article written by George DeHoff on the Errors of Calvinism was quite interesting. Sorry for the delay in answering. While you claim his reasoning is “garbage” and full of falsehoods, your bias is evident by your failure to known the true character of God and how it relates to His dealing with mankind. The purpose of the Bible (His inspired word) is to reveal to us (His creation) what we need to know about Him, His purpose for putting us here in this planet, the purpose of trials, temptations, etc. and how to correct our separation from Him due to the sin of Adam and Eve. You quote John 3:16 which states a truism. However, immediately you have chosen to falsely argue that “Whosoever” refers to God making the choice, not to individuals making the choice. The “whosoever” always refers to accountable men and women, not to God. Take for example the following passages – “And Jehovah said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.” (Ex 32:33) – “Whosoever he be that shall rebel against thy commandment, and shall not hearken unto thy words in all that thou commandest him, he shall be put to death:” (Josh 1:18) – “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” (Matt 18:4) – “Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God abideth in him, and he in God.” (1 John 4:15). And there are many other examples. Are you honestly going to argue that in each of these cases, it is God who is making the choice for “whosoever?” You talk about reason, being rational, yet if you make that claim, then you are being irrational.
God being no respecter of persons means that He treats everyone the same. But in Calvinism, He is being partial, He is choosing to respect one person above another. If not, why not? God’s mercy, grace, love, truth, holiness, righteousness, and justice all work together in harmony without setting one attribute above another. As John 3:16 states, He loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. But His love will not allow Him to only love a certain few. His justice will not allow Him to save only a predestined group while sending the others to hell for eternal without them ever getting the chance to choose or reject His Son. You use the example of Esau and Jacob. Its not the person God hates, but the sin they commit (Psa. 11:5; Prov. 6:16). God hated Esau for giving up his birthright for a bowl of soup. Yes, God does need a reason for His choices, otherwise He would not be the God of truth, holiness, and righteousness.
It is also true that Jesus died for everyone. And you are correct, there is a catch. However, the elect of Calvinism are the same elect that the Bible teaches. God calls us all in the same way, by the gospel (2 Thess. 2:14; Romans 10:17). It is only through the hearing of the gospel and our obedience to it is how God saves us, and we become His elect. And what about Romans 5:12 – Paul was right, because the Holy Spirit inspired him to record that truth. However, that verse does not say one thing about original sin, or total depravity. All it tells us that sin came into the world by the actions of Adam and Eve submitting themselves to the temptations of the serpent (Satan). With sin, entered the consequences of sin, death, both physical and spiritual. Spiritual separation from God (Isaiah 59:1-2). But nowhere does the Bible tell us that the consequence of sin is inheriting the sin of Adam. And if that is true, then all we are guilty of is eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is impossible, and illogical.
There are many passages that contradict Calvinism, but we won’t get into them all now. Matthew 18:3, finds Jesus telling us that we must become as little children to inherit a heavenly home. If Calvinism is true, then Jesus is saying we must become sinful children, since they are born sinners, and if that is true, then why the need to preach the gospel? Not to mention the fact that if God has already chosen who will be saved, and who will not, then why churches evangelize? Why do that go on mission trips? Are they not preaching to the depraved, whom only God will save once He sends the Holy Spirit upon them to tweak their minds? If Calvinism is true, and the Bible is inspired by God, why was God so confusing by telling one thing and then saying another? We are born sinners, and God elected a chosen few, but God wants ALL men to be saved (2 Peter 3:9). We are all born sinners, inheriting the sin of Adam, and yet God tells us that the son cannot inherit the sin of the father, nor the father the sin of the son (Ezek. 18:19-24).
David and Bethsheba, king Saul, Ahab, Solomon, Cain, the billions of people in Noah’s day and more are examples of what not to do. Yes, the Bible tells the story of mankind and his weakness toward the flesh. But that does not mean said sin was inherited. Sorry, but there was not one untruth in DeHoff’s article. The untruth is in John Calvin’s doctrines, as well as Martin Luther’s, and every other denomination in the world. There is only one truth, as truth is absolute, and it is either the case that we are both wrong in our beliefs and need to go back and restudy the scriptures, or only one of us is right, and one of needs to restudy the scriptures. But there is only one correct interpretation of God’s word.
Best regards, Mike Demory, evangelist