F.B. Srygley
When we are wrong, we should change, but when we are right we should not change. That is one reason for life after we become Christians. It is a privilege and duty to change when we see that we are wrong. Repentance is simply a change in our way of living. It means a turning around. The one who never does wrong will not have to repent. But who is he, and where did he come from? We talk about a perfect human life, but it can only be found in the Christian who is perfectly forgiven.
Someone said, “It hurts me to see you change.” Well, it will not hurt me to change, if I change from the wrong to the right. I cannot even defend myself when I see that I am wrong and will not change.
My friends may condemn me for changing, but the Lord will not, if I change to the right when I am wrong. It injures me to be wrong and refuse to change, but it cannot injure me to change when I am wrong.