“The Bible Does Not Say That it is a Sin!” – Quentin Dunn

Quentin Dunn

Some brethren say that the Bible does not say that drinking wine, whiskey or beer is a sin. They also say that brethren opposing drinking alcoholic beverages are setting themselves up as judges. They say that it is alright to abstain from drinking, but that we should not bind this upon anyone else. In other words they put drinking in the realm of personal choice. They assure us that drinking excessively is no good, but that drinking in moderation is no sin, because the Bible does not say that it is a sin!

Granting that the Bible does not say in exact words that drinking is a sin, the Bible does condemn drinking in principle. The example of drinking leads others in the wrong direction, especially if the one drinking is a preacher, elder or Bible class teacher. Many think that if these brethren drink that it is alright for them to drink. To teach drinking by example or words influences many to become drunkards because drinking leads to drunkenness. To advocate drinking and be against drunkenness is like trying to ride two horses in opposite directions!

Some preachers put drinking in the realm of opinion, they say that they neither encourage nor discourage it, because the Bible does not say that it is a sin. This attitude is somewhat common where drinking is socially accepted. Some preachers drink where it is socially accepted and if they are questioned they say that the Bible does not say that it is a sin. Some of the most dangerous brethren are those who will not oppose a thing that is condemned in principle. All brethren who support preachers that do not take a stand against drinking are encouraging drinking!

Drinking is getting more common among brethren of all ages. Sometimes a brother gets drunk on Saturday night or some other time during the week and leads in prayer or waits on the table on Sunday. Some brethren drink at home and some get drunk in public.

It is not just the problem of drinking that is serious, many other sins are being justified because the Bible does not say in exact words that it is a sin. Some put using the mechanical instrument in the realm of opinion. As more brethren reason in this manner we need not be surprised if the mechanical instrument is voted into the worship. Some brethren justify dancing and being familiar with the opposite sex on the grounds that the Bible does not say that it is a sin. But these things lead to fornication, wife swapping, and men and women living together without being married. These sins are in the church more than some brethren realize!

It is high time for more preachers and elders to come out strongly against sins that are condemned in principle! As we teach and preach strongly against sins that are condemned in principle some brethren will not participate in them. As we warn against sin we will deliver some souls from death including our own.

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